Archive for October, 2014


Posted on: October 24th, 2014 by Rolene Jaffe

Welcome to RAWlean’s team building program where working together becomes a pleasure!

RAWlean has created an excitingly unique program specially built around raw food preparation in groups, for both the small and large corporate markets.

Rolene Sher has been teaching and guiding people of all dietary persuasions how to introduce raw food into their diets, thus promoting health, vitality and nutritional wealth, for the past 4 years and has now extended this into a team building program.

You will find this an amazing opportunity for growth, not just in good nutrition and health, but also in group cohesion, as the group learn to work together in order to create magnificent and exciting raw meals. Their creativity will be sparked and your teams working abilities will be enhanced and heightened.

This is a hands-on application where you will be gently guided (and sometimes challenged!) into unveiling your creative abilities, learning appropriate ways of asserting yourself in a group, communication, boundary setting and all the skills required in order to function as a cohesive and productive unit.

Rolene uses role playing and teaches problem solving, conflict management and appropriate communication skills in this unique program.

Not only is this a fantastic opportunity for personal growth and creating balance in your life, you will also learn how to care for yourself, up your game with regards to your OWN health and also and how to improve your team and communication skills with your co-workers. Confidence abounds after this workshop with your Team.

Learn to like YOU through learning to work as a high functioning group, dealing with all the ups and downs that every group inevitably goes through.

Confidence is built in individuals which impacts and benefits the group. At a corporate level, this obviously will hugely benefit the company, boosting employee output and making your company the one everyone wants to be working for!

Become a leader in your life by understanding group dynamics and your role in promoting cohesion and full functionality to everyone’s highest good!

And the bonus is good health as you understand the essential value of complete nutrition in your life and how lack of nourishment not only starves you physically, but mentally and emotionally as well!